Ranging from two or more missing teeth to complete dentures which are specifically designed for clients who have had or are undergoing dental implant placement surgery. Implant dentures can be either removable or fixed depending upon the number and size of implants that can be placed and ultimate goals of the client. Dental implants are used most often to help stabilize the lower denture and allows the wearer to eat with greater comfort and confidence compared to a conventional lower denture.
Once a decision has been made to get implants, a thorough examination has to be completed by the Oral Surgeon or Dentist to determine if you are a suitable candidate for implants.
Following the surgery, there is a healing period during which the prosthesis is not mechanically attached to the implant. Once the healing period has elapsed, either the existing prosthesis or a new prosthesis is fitted with the appropriate attachments that will engage the dental implants directly or a titanium bar. This type of mechanical locking provides for a secure fit that is just not possible with conventional dentures, especially the lower denture.
This type of treatment is highly recommended for people with compromised ridges which offer little or no support for conventional dentures and as a result experience excessive movement and function issues.
For Your Safety
We strive to meet or exceed the Infection Prevention and Controls Standards established by our College. In addition we only use nitrile gloves to avoid any issues with latex allergies and have two Quattro air purifiers in use to control the level of dust and organic vapors in the Clinic. Each operatory including the reception area have Hepa air purifiers with UV disinfection for your safety.
Payment Options
* Assignment of dental benefits accepted *

Contact Info
#126 A, 100 Anderson Rd. S.E.
Calgary, AB T2J 3V1 Phone #: (403) 269-8308